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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Fruits as a Supplement of Delicious Food

In Uganda there are lots of tropical fruits to eat which include mangoes, paw paws, oranges, tangerines, avocados, jack fruits, lemons, sweet banana (some types of which are used to brew banana wine laced with sorghum for yeast), sugar cane, varies types of berries both localised and wild, guava, pineapples.

If you are in the city, try Nakasero for most of Uganda food and fruits which are also exported overseas. Uganda's fruit industry has not been well developed like that of Kenya so there is not a heavy production of hybridized fruits although some apples are now being grown on a small scale in Kabale in western Uganda.

Some temperate fruits from South Africa and Kenya find their way into Uganda and and on the quantity of Uganda food. Instead you will pleasantly be surprised to eat some wild mangoes and other fruits which although not having striking eye appeal have the juiciest taste you will ever dream of in the world.

There are varieties of fruits always in season and being sold on stalls all over the country especially on the roadside. Please remember to wash your fruit before eating it and any Uganda food.

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