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Friday, March 2, 2012

A Favorite Choice For Chicken Tikka

Indian food has been a favorite choice for many food lovers across the globe. Indian food, especially the "royal food" called the "Mughlai" has a special touch of unique Indian spices. One of the most common and most loved "Mughlai food" among Indian food lovers is "Chicken Tikka". In this recipe chicken is first marinated with a unique blend of spices and then barbecued or roasted. If you love Indian food but find it too spicy then we have great tips for you to customize the tikka to your taste.
Ingredients for Chicken Tikka:
  1. Boneless chicken cubes (900grams/1pound)/ Whole chicken cut in 4 large pieces
  2. Yogurt- 2 tablespoon
  3. Lime Juice - 2 tablespoon
  4. Red Chilly- 1/2 teaspoon(normal chilly level) ; 1/4tsp (low chilly level)
  5. Shaan Tikka Masala*- 1 tablespoon(normal chilly level) ; 1/4 tablespoon (low chilly level)
  6. Ginger Paste- 1teaspoon
  7. Garlic Paste-2 teaspoons
  8. Salt - according to taste
  9. Soy sauce - 1 tablespoon
  10. Shaan Chat Masala* - 1 teaspoon [optional]
  11. Cumin Powder- 1 teaspoon
  12. Vinegar- 2 tablespoon
  13. Oil
Wash chicken pieces under cool water. Now add vinegar and keep it in a strainer and let the water drain for 10 minutes. Next, take the chicken pieces in a large bowl and add all the spices and ingredients (2-11). Mix well and make sure all the spices are spread evenly. Refrigerate the chicken for atleast half an hour to allow the spices to blend in the meat. Your chicken is ready for barbecue now! Make sure to spray oil before placing it on the barbecue mesh. Barbecue for around 10-12 minutes till the chicken becomes tender and the skin turns golden. If you don't want to barbeque you can roast this in the oven or microwave as well.
*Ingredients 5 and 10 are easily available at any Indian grocery store. "Masala" in Indian language is referred to a blend of spices. If you do not find these two spices, you can still make this recipe and it will taste great.
Yogurt Dip
Since this recipe is a little spicy, you will need a cooling dip with it. The yogurt dip is very simple and hardly take 3 minutes to prepare it.
  1. Plain Yogurt 300g
  2. Fresh Mint Leaves - 30 leaves approximately
  3. Green Chilly (optional) - 1
  4. Cumin Powder - 1/4 teaspoon
  5. Salt - to taste
Take a blender and add all the ingredients (1-5) and a little water (50 ml) . Turn on the blender on low speed. Once the mint leaves get nicely blended with yogurt, your dip is ready. Refrigerate before using. This dip is served cold.

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