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Monday, April 23, 2012

Suggestions For You To Make Your Own Homemade Pumpkin Pie

pumpkin pie
We have all tasted that magnificent Halloween pumpkin pie around the Halloween festive season. For many, there is no experience like it. The exquisite tastes of all the ingredients mix together perfectly, and simply melt in our mouths! I have some good news! Now, you can make your own Halloween pumpkin pie!

One of the best things about fall of the year is the food. Pumpkin cider and pies are some of the most notable when it comes to food choices. The smell of pumpkin entices all eaters' noses, and of all the pumpkin foods to choose from,pumpkin pie has to be by far the best. Making the perfect pumpkin pie is not easy but it can be done by following a few simple guidelines. A great pumpkin pie will not only look great, but will have a great texture as well as being fluffy, and have the most important factor, amazing taste. To achieve this, you will have to make the entire pie by hand. No prepackaged foods store items will be acceptable. This all will be made from scratch.

If you are going to use a traditional pie crust, it is best to pre-bake it first. Lightly brush the pie crust with egg white and bake it at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes. Then fill it as usual and bake. This will keep the bottom of the pie from getting soggy. You will require a pinch of nutmeg that is ground, as well as a pinch of cloves that are ground. Next, you will want to get about a half a teaspoon of ginger that is also ground. While you are at it, pull out the ground cinnamon in the spice and season rack and get about a teaspoon of this.

Pumpkin Pie

For a delicious well balanced pumpkin pie, follow this recipe.

Add the following to a food processor 1 cup of pumpkin ( you may use fresh, frozen, or canned), 2 eggs, 1 cup of sugar, 1 tablespoon of butter, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, teaspoon of nutmeg, 1 cup of milk, and 1 heaping tablespoon of cornstarch. Whirl this around in your food processor until it is blended well. I have also used a stick blender with success. Pour the mixture into your pie pan and bake at 350 degrees for 50-70 minutes or until the center of the pie is set. Remove the pie from the oven and cool to room temperature on a cooling rack. Eat immediately, or refrigerate.

This pumpkin pie recipe produces a pie that has a different flavor and texture than most supermarket pumpkin pies. It is lighter in texture, and has a fresher taste. Made with either the traditional pie crust or the gingersnap crust you are sure to have a winner this Thanksgiving. Add a scoop of vanilla, coffee, or pumpkin ice cream to the top and this Thanksgiving will go down in history as the best ever.

Go ahead and look for a can of evaporated milk while you are digging through your cabinets. You will need one cup of this. Try to avoid the temptation of taking a taste of this stuff! It is sweet! Now, do you have an extra pie shell? If so, get out one that is at least nine inches in diameter. Oh, and you will also need two eggs!

Depending on how much chipotle chili powder you use, this pumpkin pie version can deliver quite a satisfying sting, which is very pleasant if you enjoy foods that are both sweet and spicy. For those trying to avoid the Great Holiday Waistline Expansion as well as extra dental consulting appointments for excessive sugar intake, I recommend using a sugar substitute such as Splenda in the pie. You can also use Splenda in the Chantilly whipping cream. Either way, you are sure to enjoy this unique pumpkin pie version.

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