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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mushroom Soup Recipe

I am posting this raw cream of mushroom soup recipe for my raw friend Gayla. She is dying to making a batch of raw cream of mushroom soup so I wanted to post my simple mushroom soup recipe for her ASAP! I’ve actually been eating this for lunch all the time lately. As you can tell, I am on a raw vegan soup kick!
It’s really quite freaky how much this tastes like Campbell’s cream of mushroom soup. Also, you can vary the water content of this soup quite a bit to alter the result. I would start with 1/4 cup of water and slowly add a bit more water if necessary to (a) facilitate blending; and (2) to get the consistency that you like your soup.

Another note… Sometimes I like to make a very thick batch of this soup and use it like a mushroomy gravy, as well. Mmm!
In terms of portion sizes, this raw vegan mushroom soup recipe is perfect for one nice big bowl of soup for one person.
Raw cream of mushroom soup recipe
1 1/4 cup chopped fresh mushrooms (you can use canned mushrooms, but obviously fresh is best!! Canned mushrooms are obviously not living foods, but they could do in a pinch.)
1/3 cup cashews

1/4 to 3/4 cup water
1/4 teaspoon celtic sea salt
1/3 cup finely chopped fresh mushrooms
(reserve – do not add to blender) (and never use canned mushrooms for this part!!)

1. Wash and dry your mushrooms. Chop ‘em up a bit.  (If you’re using canned mushrooms, make sure to rinse and drain them. Pat dry with a clean tea towel.)
2. Add all ingredients (except the second amount of reserved finely chopped mushrooms) into your high-speed blender. Blend on high until very smooth and well-blended. Blend for an abnormally long time because you want this raw cream of mushroom recipe to be slightly warm when coming out of the blender.
3. Pour liquidy mushroom soup mixture into a bowl(s). Add remaining mushrooms and stir with a spoon. See what we’re doing here? We’re making a liquidy mixture and then adding some chunks to it to give it some texture and variety. That’s the trick to all my raw soups.
4. Eat this raw cream of mushroom soup recipe immediately, while still warm from the blender!

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